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Registration & Enrollment

Registration & Enrollment

2025-2026 Registration & Enrollment

The following registration and enrollment information applies to returning, new, and kindergarten students.

  • Opelika City Schools has opened registration for RETURNING students. You should have received an email from “Opelika City Schools Registration” on Monday, April 7, that contains a snapcode link. This link should be used to register your child for the 2025-26 school year. Since your child is a current student, this snapcode link will contain most of the information required and will only need to be updated. The information needed for the 2025-26 school year includes Proof of Residency and Contact Information. All parents/guardians must upload new documents for the upcoming school year to verify residency requirements.  

    • You are considered a returning student if you currently attend Opelika City Schools in grades K-12.
    • If you are moving from one school location to another due to grade level (such as moving up from 2nd to 3rd grade or 5th to 6th grade, you are considered a returning student.
    • All 2025-26 Kindergarten students should use the Kindergarten registration link below.

    New students who are registering for the 2025-26 school year for the first time or from another system will be able to register this summer.  The link is listed below under New Student Information.

    If you do not receive an email from “Opelika City Schools Registration” on Monday, April 7, 2025, with the snapcode link, please contact the data clerk at the school that your child will be attending in the fall. The data clerk can email you the snapcode for your student.

  • Students enrolling for the first time in Opelika City Schools should use the following link to register. Registration opens April 28, 2025.


  • Registration is April 1, 2, and 3, 2025. The links will open on April 1, 2025. Registration requirements are below.

    The following links are for OCS 2024-25 Kindergarten Enrollment:

    After registering, check out the kindergarten tour information for April 17 at 5:30 p.m.

    Important: If you are a current OCS Pre-K student, you should NOT use this link. Most of your information is already in our system.  Check your email for a message from OCS with a snapcode link to register. 

2024-2025 School Year Registration Requirements

You will need the following documents to register:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Certificate of Immunization
  • Student’s Social Security Card (optional)
  • Photo Identification of Parent or Legal Guardian
  • Proof of Residency (see below)

The parent or guardian must present the documents below for proof of residency. The documents must show the parent or guardian's name and current street address.

  1. Primary Source (one of the following)
    1. Mortgage Statement or Deed
    2. Current Lease or Rental Documents
  2. Secondary Source (one of the following)
    1. Power Bill (preferred documentation)
    2. Water Bill
    3. Gas Bill
    4. Trash Bill

View OCS Residency Policy

Opelika City Schools Feeder Patterns & School Structure
Opelika City Schools has three zoned school feeder patterns at the primary and intermediate levels. Students in each zone attend:

  • Students who attend Carver Primary School move to West Forest Intermediate School.
  • Students who attend Jeter Primary School move to Morris Avenue Intermediate School.
  • Students who attend Southview Primary School move to Northside Intermediate School.

After intermediate school, all students within the district:

  • Move to Fox Run School for sixth grade.
  • Move to Opelika Middle School for seventh and eighth grade.
  • Move to Opelika High School for ninth through twelfth grade.


Pre-K Program
Opelika City Schools partners with the City of Opelika to offer a Pre-K program. Enrollment is determined through a lottery system. For more information, call 334-741-5623 or visit the program webpage.


Need Help Finding Your School Zone?
If you have questions about which primary or intermediate school your child will attend, contact the Opelika City Schools Board of Education Office at 334-745-9700.


View School Zone Map

It is the policy of Opelika City Schools to provide all students, including English Language Learners, migrants, immigrants, homeless, and students in foster care with meaningful and appropriate educational programs allowing all students the same benefits and rights of participation regardless of race, color, disability, sex, religion, national origin, or age. The enrollment of English Language Learners, migrants, immigrants, homeless, and students in foster care shall not be denied or delayed due to any of the following barriers:

  • Lack of birth certificate
  • Lack of school records or transcripts
  • Lack of immunization or health records
  • Lack of proof of residency
  • Lack of transportation
  • Guardianship or custody requirements


The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act defines a homeless individual as one who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

  • 2024-2025 School Year Registration Requirements

    You will need the following documents to register:

    • Birth Certificate
    • Certificate of Immunization
    • Student’s Social Security Card (optional)
    • Photo Identification of Parent or Legal Guardian
    • Proof of Residency (see below)

    The parent or guardian must present the documents below for proof of residency. The documents must show the parent or guardian's name and current street address.

    1. Primary Source (one of the following)
      1. Mortgage Statement or Deed
      2. Current Lease or Rental Documents
    2. Secondary Source (one of the following)
      1. Power Bill (preferred documentation)
      2. Water Bill
      3. Gas Bill
      4. Trash Bill

    View OCS Residency Policy

  • Opelika City Schools Feeder Patterns & School Structure
    Opelika City Schools has three zoned school feeder patterns at the primary and intermediate levels. Students in each zone attend:

    • Students who attend Carver Primary School move to West Forest Intermediate School.
    • Students who attend Jeter Primary School move to Morris Avenue Intermediate School.
    • Students who attend Southview Primary School move to Northside Intermediate School.

    After intermediate school, all students within the district:

    • Move to Fox Run School for sixth grade.
    • Move to Opelika Middle School for seventh and eighth grade.
    • Move to Opelika High School for ninth through twelfth grade.


    Pre-K Program
    Opelika City Schools partners with the City of Opelika to offer a Pre-K program. Enrollment is determined through a lottery system. For more information, call 334-741-5623 or visit the program webpage.


    Need Help Finding Your School Zone?
    If you have questions about which primary or intermediate school your child will attend, contact the Opelika City Schools Board of Education Office at 334-745-9700.


    View School Zone Map

  • It is the policy of Opelika City Schools to provide all students, including English Language Learners, migrants, immigrants, homeless, and students in foster care with meaningful and appropriate educational programs allowing all students the same benefits and rights of participation regardless of race, color, disability, sex, religion, national origin, or age. The enrollment of English Language Learners, migrants, immigrants, homeless, and students in foster care shall not be denied or delayed due to any of the following barriers:

    • Lack of birth certificate
    • Lack of school records or transcripts
    • Lack of immunization or health records
    • Lack of proof of residency
    • Lack of transportation
    • Guardianship or custody requirements


    The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act defines a homeless individual as one who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.